

CONTENTS:    INTRODUCTION: UNEXPECTED TURNS...... ..........................................4 THE TWISTY ROAD TO UPS AND DOWNS...... ......................................9  THE WHEELS OF DESTINY ............................ .......................................11 FEELING A DRIVE WE CAN'T CONTROL ...... ........................................13 CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE DRIVE OF DESTINY ...... ...........................15  STRETCHING BEYOND THE KNOWN...... ..............................................17 POWER OF THE UNKNOWN...... .............................................................20 DON'T BE A PRETENDER...... ..................................................................23 FEARS...... .................................................................................................25 REAL LIFE...... ...........................................................................................28 GOD IS OUR ULTIMATE GUIDE...... ....................


UNEXPECTED TURNS  Life is full of unexpected turns, and sometimes we may feel lost, confused, or overwhelmed by them. However, there are some lessons that can help us cope with the changes and challenges that life brings. Here are some of them: - **Accept that unexpected things can happen**. First of all, accept that unexpected events do occur in everybody’s life³. No one can predict the future or control everything that happens. Instead of resisting or denying the reality, try to embrace it and see it as an opportunity to grow and learn. - **Do you have control over any of the unexpected events that regularly occur?** Think about any of the past unexpected events³. Were they completely out of your control, or did you have some influence over them? Sometimes, we may be able to prevent or reduce the impact of some unexpected events by planning ahead, taking precautions, or making adjustments. For example, if you are worried about losing your job, you can update your re...

Practical Dreamers

I believe you are asking about practical dreamers throughout history, human discoveries, and how they relate to practical life. Dreams have been responsible for some major creative and scientific discoveries in the course of human history. No longer dismissed by psychologists as random neuron firings or meaningless fantasies, dreams are now considered an ongoing thought process that just happens to occur while we are asleep ¹. Here are some examples of practical dreamers throughout history: - **Mary Shelley**: In early 19th century, Shelley visited Lord Byron by Lake Geneva in Switzerland. They were locked in a cold volcanic winter caused by the eruption of Mount Tambora the year prior, creating Europe's "year without a summer". Stuck indoors and huddled around a log fire, Byron suggested they each write a ghost story - but, night after night, Shelley was unable to think of anything suitable. Then one evening, when discussion turned to the nature of life, Shel...

The right perspective in archiving goals

The right perspective in archiving goals Archiving is an essential component of any organization's records management strategy. It involves the secure storage of inactive information for extended periods in any format, preserving information that may be needed in the future according to its retention schedule. Archives are live historical documents that provide documentation, explanation, and justification for both past and current actions. Effective archiving systems improve data management, storage, and retrieval, and protect against data loss. When it comes to archiving goals, goals describe the purpose of the archival project, while objectives express the steps necessary to achieve goals. The goals should be prioritized so that the team knows which goal is most important if a trade-off needs to be made. Document each goal and tie it to the project vision. Goals describe what you want to achieve in non-technical terms, and they should align with organizational strate...

The Little Book of Talent: 52 Tips for Improving Your Skills

The Little Book of Talent: 52 Tips for Improving Your Skills Overview Daniel Coyle is the author of The Talent Code, in which he explains how talent is made. The short story: talent is the result of practice + motivation + having a great coach. It’s not about innate traits; it’s all about (the right kind of!) practice, practice, practice. Coyle arrived at this conclusion after visiting nine so-called talent hotbeds – places that create an extraordinary amount of high performers. In those hotbeds, he saw the same patterns over and over again: great performers became great by combining practice, motivation, and master coaching. But people in those hotbeds didn’t practice like everybody else. They practiced in ways that lead to far faster and superior skill development. Coyle learned a lot of little tricks about practicing well as he was visiting those hotbeds. The Little Book of Talent is essentially a compilation of all the little tips and tricks he learned from visiting tho...


Is humanity the sole inhabitant of the universe? A majority of Americans hold the belief that aliens exist – survey. Most Americans don’t think extraterrestrial life poses a major threat to the US, and a vast majority think UFOs are neither friendly or unfriendly. Is mankind alone in the universe? A majority of Americans don’t think so, with a new Pew Research Center poll finding that around two thirds (65%) of all Americans believing life exists on other planets. The findings also come ahead of the Pentagon’s release of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) report, revealing 144 different UFO sightings by the military, with 143 of them being unexplainable. That is not to say that many believe aliens would be outright friendly. In total, 17% of respondents said they would be friendly, 7% said unfriendly but the vast majority (74%) believe they are neither. The study also found that men are more likely than women (70%-60%) to believe in the existence of life on other plan...