Raise Your Standards

Raise Your Standards 

Certainly! The quote "Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards and believe you can meet them" emphasizes the importance of setting high standards for yourself and having the confidence that you can achieve them. Let's explore this concept further:

1. **Setting Standards for Yourself**:
   - **Personal Standards**: Before you can have relational standards (such as in relationships), it's essential to establish personal standards. These are the expectations and boundaries you set for yourself.
   - **Commitment**: The secret to setting and maintaining high standards is making a commitment to follow through. When you commit, you must deliver, which leads to lasting change.
   - **Trying vs. Committing**: People often avoid commitment because it requires accountability. When you merely "try your best," it's easy to let things slide. But committing means taking action consistently.

2. **Raising Your Standards**:
   - **Belief System**: To raise your standards, you need to change your belief system. Develop a sense of certainty that you can meet these new standards even before you achieve them.
   - **Aspiration**: Write down what you will no longer accept in your life and what you aspire to become. These aspirations guide your actions and decisions.

3. **Benefits of Raising Your Standards**:
   - **Improved Quality of Life**: When you have substantial standards, the quality of your life increases because you prioritize your mental health over external factors.
   - **Loneliness and Consequences**: The process of raising standards may lead to loneliness initially (e.g., going no contact with someone toxic), but it's worth it for your well-being.
   - **Prioritizing Mental Health**: No matter what or who is involved, prioritize your mental health above all else.

4. **Quotes on Raising Standards**:
   - Tony Robbins: "Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards."
   - Shahrukh Khan: "If you like me, raise your hand. If you don't, raise your standards."
   - Joel Brown: "We only get what we believe we deserve. Raise the bar, raise your standards."
   - Mark Batterson: "When God blesses you financially, don't raise your standard of living; raise your standard of giving."

Remember that raising your standards isn't about superficial conditions but about prioritizing what truly matters for your well-being¹²³⁴. Believe in yourself, commit to those higher standards, and watch positive changes unfold! 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 10/3/2023
(1) 10 THINGS THAT HAPPEN WHEN YOU RAISE YOUR STANDARDS - Natasha Adamo. https://natashaadamo.com/raise-your-standards/.
(2) TOP 13 RAISE YOUR STANDARDS QUOTES | A-Z Quotes. https://www.azquotes.com/quotes/topics/raise-your-standards.html.
(3) Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins - Sam Thomas Davies. https://www.samuelthomasdavies.com/book-summaries/self-help/awaken-the-giant-within/.
(4) 4 Reasons To Raise Your Standards And Create Positive Change In Your .... https://www.grandascent.com/raise-your-standards/.


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